Saturday, December 29, 2007

1984 Gibson Explorer- Which One????

Well it finally happened- my first Gibson Guitar. According to Guitar Dater it is a Gibson Explorer built in 1984 in Nashville. Serial is 81084541. I am trying to figure out exactly which Explorer it is, maybe someone can help- Here is the description: It is a yellowed white color, gold hardware, Grover mini tuners, Dirty Fingers pickups, TP-6 bridge, triangular knob pattern, 3 way not on lower bout, but below pickups, rosewood fretboard. Judging from the wood on the back (exposed from buckle rash- it appears to be a dark mahogany wood body. When I look at Blogspot I do not see this description there. I know that one of you knowledgable Gibson players will know- can you help?